Saturday, March 23, 2013

Teaching Philosophy

Understanding Pedagogy and Learning theories – CST 413
Blog Task 2-  My own Teaching Philosophy
                      We Study the methods of teaching in our teaching courses. After completing the program we face to implement it in the class rooms or schools.
                           In my experience, the teaching methods used in our classes are terribly limited. Most of our teachers are using the lecturing methods. Especially in higher grades (Secondary grades). Teachers should revise their classes so as to open up new horizons for the students. This they can do only if their teaching procedures focus on learning processes that will foster the academic competencies. Therefore, teachers must adopt a greater variety of teaching methods (learning theories). 
                           When I formulate my own teaching philosophy I have to consider many things. Before start teaching a group of students I used to check the level of the students. Of cause we knew in a class there will be different level of students. But before start teaching, if we check the level of the students it will help us to identify the best suitable teaching methods for them.
                           As I am teaching Commerce, I have to make sure the students English language skills. Because the lessons and the test papers will be in English. So, the reading and writing skills is very important.
                           In my opinion the strategies and the techniques we use in our teaching should be consistent with the best principles of learning. We know learning is an individual matter. It’s the learner who does the learning not the teacher. For this reason, teaching should be centered on the students.
                           The second thing I make sure is to keep the class room control on my hand. Managing a class room is not just a matter of managing learning activities, but of managing everything that goes on in the class room in such a way as to create a climate favorable to learning.
                           Third thing I make sure is to achieve my target or goal. After deciding the objectives , I used to plane the activity. The activity will involve teaching strategies and tactics. The objectives of the lesson will be achieved only of we utilized the strategies and techniques of teaching.
                           Sometimes used to teach directly and also indirectly. Most of my teaching would be individualized but almost all my common teaching methods involve working with groups. Whatever the teaching situations, a good teacher requires to follow teaching models such as;
1-      Diagnose the situation
2-      Prepare for the learning
3-      Guide the activities
4-      Evaluate the learning
5-      Follow up.    

By Ahmed Ashfaq (7037)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Atlast i created a blog in Thanks Allah (SWT). And sorry every body. First I created a blod in word expree but could not proceed. I m working in rasmaadhoo here net work coverage is not well and school dont have a broad band. In school we r using a Wataniyya Modem. Any way will try my best to up load my own writings .